Free Consultation

Come and see the facility and setup. We will meet with you, discuss your needs, answer your questions, and determine if a more in-depth evaluation and/or speech therapy services are necessary.

If further speech therapy is deemed necessary, the following paperwork will be completed during the free consultation:

Applicable Assessment

We complete the applicable testing to determine the specific areas of need.

If an assessment has recently been completed by another agency, please bring a copy to the free consultation or assessment session.

Custom Speech Therapy Plan and Goals

We meet together with each client and his/her parents (if applicable) to discuss the assessment outcomes and determine an individual speech therapy plan with specific therapy goals that will be targeted.

Speech Therapy Appointments

We typically offer either 30 minute or 60 minute session durations with weekly or bi-weekly session frequencies. However, we also consider other therapy durations and frequencies based on the specific needs of each individual client.

Speech Therapy Details

We deliver one-on-one therapy in a private therapy room setting with an equipped observation room for parents/guests.

We offer parent guidance and training with every therapy session so that parents can provide support to their children outside of the therapy setting.

We have compiled other online resources that are available for clients and their parents to access at any time.

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